3 research outputs found

    Do Parents and Social Environment Influence Stundent Understanding of Retirement Planning? a Study on Islamic Economic and Bussines Student in Bogor

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    Financial planning for retirement is a desire to achieve satisfaction with life in retirement. Good financial condition is a main component to having a quality life during retirement. The study aimed to find the factors influences on understanding of financial planning for retirement. Methodology that used in this study is a quantitative approach. The sample in this study as many as 350 respondents from students Islamic of economics in Bogor. Technique analysis that used in this study is Path analysis. The result in this study The results of this study indicate that in sub-structural I the variables parental influence on saving, social influence, and goal clarity have a significant influence to financial knowledge. Sub-structural II the variabel future time perspective have a significant influence to goal clarity and all variables of sub-structural III (parental influence on saving and conscientiousness) have significant infulence to future time perspective. According the result test on the sub-structural IV the variable financial knowledge have a significant influence to expectations of financial planning for retirement. On the sub-structural V there is a not significant variable, the variable is parental influence on saving to satisfaction life in retirement. Consequently, the author do a trimming on the sub-structural V to fix a structure of path model

    The Epistemological Perspective of Fractional Reserve Banking and Full Reserve Banking: Where Islamic Banking Should Stand?

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    Objectives – this research is aimed to compare those epistemological bases to the mindset of Islamic Bank and try to drive the philosophy in practical operation whether based on the Fractional Reserve Banking Sytem (RBS) or 100% RBS and analyze the challenges in deploying the 100%RBS. Methods - This research will be conducted based on an extensive literature review.Results - Based on the epistemological analysis of money and the business cycle as well as the views of Islamic scholars, 100%RBS should be the best for Islamic Bank. There are four types of 100% RBS namely Pure Commodity Money, Sovereign Money, Narrow Banking, and Limited Purpose Banking. To deploy it into the economic system, another philosophical work should be done to choose one of the types and strengthen it so that the theory of 100%RBS can be implemented for the goodness of Islamic Bank. Conclusion - In Conclusions, Based on the epistemology defined by Islamic Scholars, FractRBS has more mafsadah if we compare to the maslahah. Therefore, 100% RBS should be better for the Islamic Bank